A little bit about me
I still remember how nervous I was when I received my first commission! Someone I cared very much about was taking a chance on me—a young (only 15 at the time), nascent artist who quivered at the thought of doing business. At the same time, I could not wait to create a piece of artwork that would honor the memory that my first client wanted preserved.
After many more years of commissions, teaching aspiring young artists, working for a university education, and developing as an artist, I still feel the same curious combination of joy and solemnity when I am called to do art for someone.
My art is inspired by the quiet, poignant moments in daily life. Life itself is challenging, joyous, and at times painfully formative. I believe that those formative moments have incredible potential for beauty, especially when seen with experience’s insight and humility’s wit. This inspires me to create art that is subtle and pleasing at first glance but moving upon deeper inspection.
Thank you for taking the time to learn a few things about me. I would be delighted to get to know you. Whether or not you decide that I am the right artist for your needs, I hope that you find peace exploring my work.
Have a blessed day,

Questions & Answers
What are some unique projects you have done as an artist? I love doing new things with my art. Recently, I have been commissioned to paint chinoiserie on the walls of a client’s home! She saw what I did on my sister’s walls and wanted some of her own. As another unique project, I joined with an author to illustrate a children’s book. I loved this project and would very much like to illustrate another book. If you have ideas, I would love to collaborate with you!
Can you tell me a little about your family? Yes, my family is a huge part of my life, even more so than art! I grew up in northern Virginia. My parents are wonderful, and I inherited artistic inclinations from both of them. They both have been very supportive of my art (even though I ruined many cookbooks and walls with my antics). I have three younger siblings whom I love. They have patiently posed as models for my work. In December of 2022, I married my best friend, Jonathan Vassar. He motivates me to paint with passion, to live with integrity, and to see with optimism. He is currently studying Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Our cute one-room home serves as my studio and his library. Presently, we are expecting our first child in May 2025. Much change and joy is to come!
Do you teach art lessons? For many years, I taught aspiring young artists in group and one-on-one settings. I love sharing what I have learned and encouraging other people to grow their artistic abilities. While I am not currently teaching, I am open to it, so feel free to reach out if you are interested.
What is the purpose of the deer in your logo? At the time that I was thinking about beginning my art career, my life was filled with changes and unknowns. I found myself taking frequent walks on the trail near my home to calm my nerves. A doe gave birth to a couple of fawns near my birthday, and I often passed the little family of deer on my walks. They quickly stole a piece of my heart. Every time I looked up from the trail to see the fawns, I was filled with wonder. This wonder is so similar to the sparks of awe that come to me through art that I decided to illustrate the deer into my logo. They remind me of the way I hope to inspire people to feel with my art.